
Posts Tagged ‘Chrome’

Google 10 Years: Brain without a Page

In Business on September 17, 2008 at 1:26 am

As I am roaming around internet trying to get hold of my next blog article, Google hopped into my mind.


My interest over Google was on the spur of a report on Google’s privacy policy by a recent report by WashingtonPost. This article brought some concerns over the new Google web browser, Chrome. Many believe that via Chrome, Google secretly collects user data without consideration of privacy. And one of my friends recently showed me the Chrome on his computer. What he showed me, was Chrome Browser by Google. Honest speaking, I am not a tech-geek, and IE would have already satisfied my every want. Though, not wanting to water his passion, I tuned to the specific minutia of Chrome and offered my vain appreciation. The other incident brought on my attention to Google was also my friend’s little ambitious business plan, homework of a start-up, a real estate portal, with the first buck of profit from Google ads reward. Yeah, Google again!


There is nothing accidental. You know what? Today, I started to work on the book, The Google Story, which I inadvertently want to use as a toner during my reading interval of Jane Austen novels. And finally, unconsciously, I was gravitated to the final discovery which turned me on, the 10 year anniversary of Google. “All links were not created equal.” That’s the saying by Larry Page, co-founder of Google. That’s terrifically right! I was directly linked to the report on achievements of Google by comparison with Microsoft. Here I list down several inspiring comparisons:


–Google’s age: 10; Microsoft’s age: 33

–Google’s revenue in the last 4 quarters: $19.6 billion; Microsoft’s: $60.4 billion

–Google net income in the last 4 quarters: $4.85 billion; Microsoft’s: $17.6 billion

–Microsoft’s revenue at age 10: $140 million($279 million in today’s dollars)

–Google’s revenue per hour in the last 4 quarters: $2.2 million; Microsoft’s: $6.9 million

–Google’s revenue per employee: $1 million; Microsoft’s: $672,000

–Google employees, as of June 30th: 19,604; Microsoft’s, as of May 31st: 89,809

–Market value of Google: $142 billion; Microsoft’s: $241 billion


Empowering by the above data, one could not help but arriving at this conclusion, Google is truly a cash cow! And Google is doing much better than Microsoft. There are only three tech companies with a market value larger than Google, which are Microsoft, IBM, and Apple. And you would definitely get crazy upon the knowing of worldwide searches amount on Google Vs. Microsoft, taken July for example, the number is 48.7 billion of Google against 2.3 billion by Microsoft. And the per hour search amount is 65 million of Google Vs. 3.1 million of Microsoft in month of July.


That’s amazing! Imagine only ten years length of time had done so much to Google! And the future is much promising. Though my friend held different opinion, “You couldn’t just judge absolutely from the pure number comparison. That’s unfair. Just consider the computer prevalence rate during the past 10 years vs. the first 10 years that Microsoft spent. There is a sharp difference!” Well, I’d like to cast a different thought. “You know what? The accomplishment of Google over Microsoft during their first ten years and thereafter? The innate course is the different business type they choose, Google a media company profiting largely on advertisement, while Microsoft a software company scavenging over licensing and OEM. That’s the watershed. That’s the deep rooted rationale for the explanation of apparently victory of Google over Microsoft.” “Ah, yeah….could be…” having to agree with my perspective, my friend faded out.


While, that’s the origin of my serial blogs on Google. And it’s a worthy project dedicating to Google and its success and most importantly, the future. The cover feature of Atlantic had been given to Google. Is Google Making Us Stoopid? That’s a witty edge. Cute, funny, and thought provoking, I determined to bring it onto your front in my next serial articles.


By the way, the first anecdote that I’m eager to share with you, which is also my little propriety discovery, some superstitious air, that the name of the two co-founder, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. On the face of the two names, what could you observe? Brin and Page! Bingo! Taken an “a” from Brain, that’s Brin! Brain without a Page! That’s Google!