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YesTerday is B-Day!

In Life, Literature and Movies on January 22, 2009 at 1:16 am

YesTerday is B———-ig Day! But, yesterday is gone. So quick. You couldn’t feel it. But, however, unfortunately, it’s gone.


Maybe it’s a big day in you life, like yesterday in Barack Obama’s life. His inauguration and swearing-in as President of United States. “God bless you. God bless of United States of America!” He hailed. But, that’s yesterday’s blessing. Not Today’s.


I like this saying from somewhere, but I don’t know. It goes like this, “My life is not an apology, it’s a life.” I do like. No mater how apologized you feel for yesterday, how awful the mistake you made yesterday, how disastrous you life was ruined yesterday, it’s gone. There is nothing you can do to make yesterday right.


But today, you can do something, maybe not big but really tiny effort, like brushing your shoes. Like many other normal days that have past away, no significant increase at sight or sensible, just another day. But, keep going, keep rolling, keep pushing, somehow, you find a bit of something in the pit of your stomach is fermenting.


Life is a magic. You can’t see the chicken before it cracks the shell. And even before that, no one can tell how the elements can pull together and give birth to a life. Out of nowhere, a life is born. It’s a transformation in a split second. The previous changes within the microscopic level are no seen to eyes. It just happens.


No, it doesn’t just happen. It takes a long time to form a life. Drawing all the necessary components into one purpose, with a spirit in the core, all the time hard working, the cells take great pain and hurt to break through and merge with other cells to form different part of a life. And the final breakout takes the life-or-death exertion. Like the long-time scream let out from the mouth of a pregnant mother in labor. Sometimes, the mother dies in order to give birth.


So, when you work hard, for a long long long time, no blessing from God, no progress at sight, no payoff showing off. You don’t just give up. You don’t just go around. You don’t just mess yourself up. It can take years to the one night birth.


You just stick to it. Do you best today. Let God decide tomorrow. No matter bad or good the result, you are at peace.

Today is B-Day!

In Life, Literature and Movies on January 20, 2009 at 6:28 pm

The inauguration of Barack Obama! The 44th U.S. president! The first ever African American President!

2 millions spectaculars on spot! And millions more on-line/via TV watching the whole ceremony! Even when at work! Yeah, today is no public holiday. But, it’s the holiday for all the Americans! Especially African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans!

“Today is a justice day!” One of colleagues yelled out from her cubicle, who is an African American girl. Aren’t you exited?! My office was holding a small luncheon celebration! Boss ordered in different kinds of foods, and turned the meeting room into a merry whirl! 

The swore-in of Barack Obama is of paramount significance to folks like you and me. It holds something you always dream of and fancy about. Don’t get loose, don’t get frightened, don’t slip away! Believe something! Something is good enough to happen only you can hang around long enough to make it happen!

Today is B-Day! Big big big day! 

No matter you believe it or not, it’s happening. The parade of celebration is paving forward. The advancing of Barack Obama is crunching over the white house! Millions of millions of ordinary people, deep grass-root, are witnessing this historical moment, with their own eyes. Something big can happen in real life, not only on the screen of Hollywood blockbuster. 

From the very beginning, not a single voter could foresee this day. Sarcasm, disbelieving, mocking, even humiliating are the core of the origin of this humble campaign. It’s a true story, a perfect movie material, an invigorating spirit. 

Let me be you hero! Somehow, I believed Obama would repeat it to himself all the way to the peak. Don’t let down, don’t give up, don’t fool around, get up, pick up, let’s do it! Let’s do it again! Let’s do it once again! Let’s do it a thousand times again! Let’s rock!

I am so awed by Michelle, the first ever African American first lady. She looks so grace on screen. The aura of first lady doesn’t make her haughty, presumptuous, or pride. She’s not Her Highness. She’s she. Mild, easy, nice and soothing. She’s the power of calm. Sufferings soaked her, sucked her, but strengthened her! 

You need a wonderful woman to brace you up! Man. 

What else to say? Speechless is the current reaction right now. Taciturn is not the result of cowering, but the roaring and rolling of a stronger inside power! When hurt can’t ruffle you any more, you are invincible!

Let’s hail the B-Day!

Man Flies

In Life, Literature and Movies on January 19, 2009 at 4:57 pm

As of the first blog for year 2009, I particularly don’t feel such a strong desire to writing. The deeper I get closer to the local community and people, via, thanks God invented this genius website and also, and I know the way is there and I’ve found it.

Today is Martin Luther King Day, my boss hasn’t particularly asked me to come in office, so I took today off. Wanna a refresh and rethink of the next few days left on Jan of 2009. I’ve devoured several books since entered Year 2009. And tomorrow, should witness the magic day of American history, the inauguration of Barack Obama. Hmm, the first African American President. My former roommate, Regina, told me with amazing enthusiasm how this poor origin guy managed his way up to the apex of his life, the life of any African American since the founding of U.S.

Man Flies.

Last Saturday, I went to Michigan avenue, and bought a watch from Cartier as one of my friend asked, and happened to read several pages of this book, Man Flies. It’s about the man invented balloon, who conquered air. The story of Alberto Santos-Dumont, Master of the Balloon, Conqueror of the Air. This man is rarely known, at least less than the famous Brother Wright. But somehow, a journalist strived all the way, jotting down all the details, and scavenging the old dusted documents in libraries to trace down this should get acclaimed man.

A man of free will and strong mind can fly.

Martin Luther King is a man of free will and strong mind and full of dedication. He knows something deep down his heart stirring him all the times. He won’t get at peace until he find his own place. Somewhere off the earth. Somewhere aloft in the air. Somewhere one can’t get without extraordinary efforts and sacrifice. It takes great pain to get away from mother earth and even deep hurt to fly. Cutting loose from ties and posts is not something usual. Free will, strong mind, solid dedication, and final release won’t come easy way. It’s like barefoot walking on top of bed of nails, each step forward taking great pain and blood shedding to receive its forwarding. That’s the price to pay.

And the endurance, for God sake, who knows will last how long. But, that’s the grind stone. You walk out the thorns a soldier. You walk out the darkness a commander. You are captain of your soul. That’s the final payoff. No matter how many times you get pissed off, you manage to pick yourself up and rise up the first thing next morning. And you learn patience, sticking to details, navigating across potholes, the art of slowing down and gearing up, forestalling potential dangers, maneuvering each step up your ladder…….The wisdom of life comes into your mind, your body, your heart and finally merges with you, making you a veteran.

It’s not the war time that can make a man a man, but the peace days. The longer you wrestle with your own mind, the longer you survive, and the longer you stick around, the better chance you can resurrect as a free mind and a flying man.

Man can fly.