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Freedom Writer

In Life, Literature and Movies on November 22, 2008 at 2:35 am

It’s been a while since my last writing. And I never thought this posting would be poked by a movie. Well, when the moment comes, I just couldn’t resist it.


Freedom Writers is a brilliant composition. And it’s a 2007 make movie though I never thought it could be so inspiring and touched. It’s about a teacher and her cohort of students full of colored origins in Long Beach, California.


This lady teacher, Erin Gruwell, has every want of getting to know her class which was a chaotic riot at the beginning. And the inducement of this problematic class was racial hatreds culminated in the 60s. Not only wars broke out between white and non-white, but also between the tribes within the colored people. They were suffering. These kids.


When it seems no one would come to their aide, these kids just simply gave it up. The only hope was to end up the day not dead. And no one even care about to this group and schism was tearing this group apart. It’s more like at the end of world, people just getting started preying on each. Eating fleshes just to get outlived others.


And this lady, Erin, put every bit of her sympathy with the sufferings of her students and chose to fight with them. Standing by her students, she sacrificed her marriage, taking additional jobs to supply the monetary needs for her education, and above all, fighting her own way against the board of school. A group of opinionated education practitioners who exerted every effort to balk her effort.


And in the middle of this long haul resurgence, Erin used the tool of journal letting her students jotting down any piece of life, the real life of her students, no matter how cruel and cold the reality was. And through this way, the students melt down to her heart and significantly achieved progress on her class, English.


I have no shame to tell you, that my tears couldn’t hold themselves but burst out of the constraint of the eye socket at one scene. When one of her student, reading aloud his diary, telling everyone in front of him, that how he was feeling hope again after he was evicted from his home and since then became homeless.


And the whole collection of student journal was published under the title of Freedom Writers Diary. And it’s a real story. Those kids later on founded thee Freedom Writers Foundation to assist any student with the same background.


And what hit me the most is the lines from this movie, roughly saying that we are normal people, and we are not heroes, but what we can do is to turn on a small light, at the small time, for another small people.

Character & Success by Theodore Roosevelt

In Life, Literature and Movies, Wisdom Tooth on November 14, 2008 at 6:09 pm

A YEAR or two ago I was speaking to a famous Yale professor, one of the most noted scholars in the country, and one who is even more than a scholar, because he is in every sense of the word a man. We had been discussing the Yale-Harvard foot-ball teams, and he remarked of a cer- tain player: “I told them not to take him, for he was slack in his studies, and my experience is that, as a rule; the man who is slack in his studies will be slack in his foot-ball work; it is character that counts in both.” Bodily vigor is good, and vigor of intellect is even better, but far above both is character. It is true, of course, that a genius may, on certain lines, do more than a brave and manly fellow who is not a genius; and so, in sports, vast physical strength may overcome weakness, even though the puny body may have in it the heart of a lion. But, in the long run, in the great battle of life, no brilliancy of intellect, no perfection of bodily development, will count when weighed in the balance against that assemblage of virtues, active and passive, of moral qualities, which we group together under the name of character; and if between any two contestants, even in college sport or in college work, the difference in character on the right side is as great as the difference of intellect or strength the, other way, it is the character side that will win. Of course this does not mean that either intellect or bodily vigor can safely be neglected. On the contrary, it means that both should be developed, and that not the least of the benefits of developing both comes from the indirect effect which this development itself has upon the character.

In very rude and ignorant communities all schooling is more or less looked down upon; but there are now very few places indeed in the United States where elementary schooling is not considered a necessity. There are any number of men, however, priding themselves upon being “hard-headed” and “practical,” who sneer at book-learning and at every form of higher education, under the impression that the additional mental culture is at best useless, and is ordinarily harmful in practical life. Not long ago two of the wealthiest men in the United States pub- licly committed themselves to the proposition that to go to college was a positive disadvantage for a young man who strove for success. Now, of course, the very most successful men we have ever had, men like Lincoln, had no chance to go to college, but did have such indomitable tenacity and such keen appreciation of the value of wisdom that they set to work and learned for themselves far more than they could have been taught in any academy. On the other hand, boys of weak fiber, who go to high school or college instead of going to work after getting through the primary schools, may be seriously damaged instead of benefited. But, as a rule, if the boy has in him the right stuff, it is a great advantage to him should his circumstances be so fortunate as to enable him to get the years of additional mental training. The trouble with the two rich men whose views are above quoted was that, owing largely perhaps to their own defects in early training, they did not know what success really was. Their speeches merely betrayed their own limitations, and did not furnish any argument against education. Success must always include, as its first element, earning a competence for the support of the man himself, and for the bringing up of those dependent upon him. In the vast majority of cases it ought to include financially rather more than this. But the acquisition of wealth is not in the least the only test of success. After a certain amount of wealth has been accumulated, the accumulation of more is of very little consequence indeed from the standpoint of success, as success should be understood both by the community and the individual. Wealthy men who use their wealth aright are a great power for good in the community, and help to upbuild that material national prosperity which must underlie ‘national greatness; but if this were the only kind of success, the nation would be indeed poorly off. Successful statesmen, soldiers, sailors, explorers, historians, poets, and scientific men are also essential to national greatness, and, in fact, very much more essential than any mere successful business man can possibly be.

The average man, into whom the average boy develops, is, of course, not going to be a marvel in any line, but, if he only chooses to try, he can be very good in any line, and the chances of his doing good work are immensely increased if he has trained his mind. Of course, if as a result of his high-school, academy, or college experience, he gets to thinking that the only kind of learning is that to be found in books, he will do very little; but if he keeps his mental balance, – that is, if he shows character,- he will understand both what learning can do and what it cannot, and he will be all the better the more he can get.

A good deal the same thing is true of bodily development. Exactly as one kind of man sneers at college work because he does not think it bears any immediate fruit in money-getting, so another type of man sneers at college sports because he does not see their immediate effect for good in practical life. Of course, if they are carried to an excessive degree, they are altogether bad. It is a good thing for a boy to have captained his school or college eleven, but it is a very bad thing if, twenty years afterward, all that can be said of him is that he has continued to take an interest in foot-ball, base-ball, or boxing, and has with him the memory that he was once captain. A very acute observer has pointed out that, not impossibly, excessive devotion to sports and games has proved a serious detriment in the British army, by leading the officers and even the men to neglect the hard, practical work of their profession for the sake of racing, foot-ball, base-ball, polo, and tennis – until they received a very rude awakening at the hands of the Boers. Of course this means merely that any healthy pursuit can be abused. The student in a college who “crams” in order to stand at the head of his class, and neglects his health and stunts his development by working for high marks, may do himself much damage; but all that he proves is that the abuse of study is wrong. The fact remains that the study itself is essential. So it is with vigorous pastimes. If rowing or football or baseball is treated as the end of life by any considerable section of a community, then that community shows itself to be in an unhealthy condition. If treated as it should be,- that is, as good, healthy play,- it is of great benefit, not only to the body, but in its effect upon character. To study hard implies character in the student, and to work hard at a sport which entails severe physical exertion and steady training also implies character.

All kinds of qualities go to make up character, for, emphatically, the term should include the positive no less than the negative virtues. If we say of a boy or a man, “He is of good character,” we mean that he does not do a great many things that are wrong, and we also mean that he does do a great many things which imply much effort of will and readiness to face what is disagreeable. He must not steal, he must not be intemperate, he must not be vicious in any way; he must not be mean or brutal; he must not bully the weak. In fact, he must refrain from whatever is evil. But besides refraining from evil, he must do good. He must be brave and energetic; he must be resolute and persevering. The Bible always inculcates the need of the positive no less than the negative virtues, although certain people who profess to teach Christianity are apt to dwell wholly on the negative. We are bidden not merely to be harmless as doves, but also as wise as serpents. It is very much easier to carry out the former part of the order than the latter; while, on the other hand, it is of much more importance for the good of mankind that our goodness should be accompanied by wisdom than that we should merely be harmless. If with the serpent wisdom we unite the serpent guile, terrible will be the damage we do; and if, with the best of intentions, we can only manage to deserve the epithet of “harmless,” it is hardly worth while to have lived in the world at all.

Perhaps there is no more important component of character than steadfast resolution. The boy who is going to make a great man, or is going to count in any way in after life, must make up his mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand repulses or defeats. He may be able to wrest success along the lines on which he originally started. He may have to try something entirely new. On the one hand, he must not be volatile and irresolute, and, on the other hand, he must not fear to try a new line because he has failed in another. Grant did well as a boy and well as a young man; then came a period of trouble and failure, and then the Civil War and his opportunity; and he grasped it, and rose until his name is among the greatest in our history. Young Lincoln, struggling against incalculable odds, worked his way up, trying one thing and another until he, too, struck out boldly into the turbulent torrent of our national life, at a time when only the boldest and wisest could so carry themselves as to win success and honor; and from the struggle he won both death and honor, and stands forevermore among the greatest of mankind.

Character is shown in peace no less than in war. As the greatest fertility of invention, the greatest perfection of armament, will not make soldiers out of cowards, so no mental training and no bodily vigor will make a nation great if it lacks the fundamental principles of honesty and moral cleanliness. After the death of Alexander the Great nearly all of the then civilized world was divided among the Greek monarchies ruled by his companions and their successors. This Greek world was very brilliant and very wealthy. It contained haughty military empires, and huge trading cities, under republican government, which attained the highest pitch of commercial and industrial prosperity. Art flourished to an extraordinary degree; science advanced as never before. There were academies for men of letters; there were many orators, many philosophers. Merchants and business men throve apace, and for a long period the Greek soldiers kept the superiority and renown they had won under the mighty conqueror of the East. But the heart of the people was incurably false, incurably treacherous and debased. Almost every statesman had his price, almost every soldier was a mercenary who, for a sufficient inducement, would betray any cause. Moral corruption ate into the whole social and domestic fabric, until, a little more than a century after the death of Alexander, the empire which he had left had become a mere glittering shell, which went down like a house of cards on impact with the Romans; for the Romans, with all their faults, were then a thoroughly manly race – a race of strong, virile character. Alike for the nation and the individual, the one indispensable requisite is character – character that does and dares as well as endures, character that is active in the performance of virtue no less than firm in the refusal to do aught that is vicious or degraded.

Sales 2.0

In Business, Digital Media on November 9, 2008 at 6:56 pm
Cohort of Web 2.0
Cohort of Web 2.0

Frankly speaking, I have no idea about the Sales 1.0, if there was one. Or, the sales experts just coined the term as if the case in software business, that when you first created an application you usually named it version 2.0 in hoping of a less connotation of the very first product.


Sales 2.0 is a concept, or formative collective ideas that embedded Web 2.0 into the process of selling. The idea is very simple, looking up info from social media in the first place, collecting intelligence that could trigger a sales opportunity and then dig out more insider info as to facilitate the customer entry campaign.


In the past, sales intelligence often acquires from personal and direct channel, such as word-of-mouth, personal networking, or circle of close friends. Phone call and email are often the two traditional avenues for info funneling. In order to get an insider intel, one usually picks up a phone and rings his/her reliable source, but nevertheless I have to say this is a passive and reactive approach.


Also it depends on the patronage’s will to whom should be revealed the insider info in the first place. And it often takes a long time to cultivate a reliable link and more efforts to put it on board. The number of qualified leads also would hit a limitation as the energy of a person allowed. And the door to new realm is hard to kick when no connection is laid out in the first place.


Then there comes the idea of Sales 2.0. Pulling from the source of social media, it’s just amazing how many genuine info you can get at no cost from LinkedIn, Jigsaw, Facebook, etc. Professionals, practitioners, and on-lookers, no matter what identify involved, everyone just puts bona fide personal info registered into the database system of social media. And they keep updating! That’s the most astonishing part! Indeed, they puff out every fresh incremental info on a daily bases or in a regular cycle and the only purpose is to keep everyone on the premises updated.


I have to admit the eye-popping and unbelievable shock as my first touch experience. The personal info in LinkedIn is not only encompassing but also detailed. One often tends to publish his/her career life and education background chronologically and supplies every other element regarding his/her life for your further advancing of intention of LinkedIn. And the most fantastic part of LinedIn is the concord of the disclosing personal info bona fide. Had it not for a collective efforts and generally accepted conformity, there would certainly be chance of defrauder. And also the reciprocal behavior norm of American society has been espoused in this virtual land too.


So, if you wanna tap new customer, and run into headaches of limited info at hand, what should you do? Cold call has always been proved to be a barrier rather than facilitator. Apart from traditional mega info hub, such as Reuters and Bloomberrg, which often provides external or extraneous news regarding your new client, new outlets should definitely deserve your notice. And the info ground of FaceBook, LinkedIn, JigSaw usually suffice you with totally different intelligence in sharp contrast to mega info source. They tend to be personal, tiny, but usually of magic power of turning customer on.


Not only you can find gravitas faces, but also you can dig out the other look after work of your prospect. Their children, hobbies, recent reading, cooking, or anything that could serve as Midas Touch that may come to your aide when you pitch them.


It’s rather than a serious business pitch, but a romantic flirting. And that’s the power of Web 2.0 married to sales discipline.

Marketing Automation

In Digital Media, Marketing & PR on November 9, 2008 at 2:32 am

The frontier of marketing development in this hemisphere is breaking into a dreamland of marketers: Marketing Automation.


If you are familiar with office automation, then the concept is not that strange. During the movement of office automation, concurring with the bolting of information technology, office site manager and operation manager have been benefit significantly from this concept and many software solutions. Efficiency is achieved, effectiveness is acquired, and greater value is realized. Not to mention the satisfied cost reduction effect in the long run.


However, marketing automation is still in its infancy. Not only the unpromising lucrative potential, but also the economy of scale is hard to achieve. And unlike office automation, marketing is the most dynamic and diversified and personalized field without a common infrastructure at sight or universally agreed.


One can take a look at the marketing textbook, even the most authoritative codex, is revamping its content year from year, which leaves little fancy for the ambitious software engineer or aspirant entrepreneur to dig a well of gold in this piece of land. Yes, no more can set a rule for marketing practice, given the vast variety of products and services involved.


But, you know what, if you exert yourself enough to dig all the marketing automation tools providers online, God, it is a hell of legion! And nearly covers the all needs for at least a business website. Besides the conventional functions, some creative providers/vendors even breach your imagination by adding a lot of fashion add-ons to the applications.


If you take efforts roaming the internet, or just read some guidebook of guerilla marketing, you would find the holistic list of application builder for business website. From basic web structure design, content outsourcing, user group, to merchandise cargo processing, audio/video creation, webinar/web conference application, email campaign……and many, many more!


The concept of marketer for today’s business is a totally different idea. More a virtual team integrator; and less a hands-on field moderator. If you just cast a look into nowadays’ marketing strategy and tactics, on-line promotion is valued much and more. With the thriving of Web 2.0, the integration with social media is make itself a paramount take for marketer and communicator. And some genius software application is catering this idea and upcoming.


The most impressive aspect of marketing automation is how simply and easily an on-line tool can be tailored and integrated into your current marketing system. It takes only several steps and some info filling and format choosing and you are closing to your dream marketing land.


Now, let me give you some cues so that you can share with me the feelings of bliss.


Audio Creation, Recording, Editing, and/or Sharing Software and Equipment:

–; –; –; –; –; –; –


Video Equipment and Software:

–; –; –; –; –; –


Teleconferencing Tools:

–; –; –; –


Online Press Release:

–; –; –; –; –



–; –; –; –


One-Stop-Shopping Cart:



Video Email:




–; –


Account/Password Mgmt:



For Small Business:



Search Engine:



Website Design:

–; –


Industry Status:



Content Voting/Customer Polls:

–; –; –; –


Other creative applications:

–; –; –; –; –


A Century Avenge: Barack Obama vs. Andrew Johnson

In Life, Literature and Movies on November 6, 2008 at 5:42 pm
Andrew Johnson versus Barack Obama
Andrew Johnson versus Barack Obama

The president-elect Barack Obama delivered a grudge-releasing speech at his Chicago grand park podium. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.”


A 143 yeas past since the inauguration of Andrew Johnson, when he took presidency of United States in 1865, which was still in wartime when he inherited a divided republic from the then assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. Adamant espouser of Lincoln’s policy of the upholding of one republic against the then southern secessionists, Andrew Johnson stubbornly carried out Lincoln’s controversial policy of Reconstruction with out regard to the right of black slaves. Andrew Johnson, deep in the heart, harbored there, a profound racism.


That’s the first presidency after the civil war. And the fruition of anti-slavery was nearly reversed as his mild reconstruction policy would possibly result. And Andrew Johnson also alienated himself from the entire Republican Party by his notorious denial of granting constitutional right to freed slaves and black people at large. And his actions also incurred himself the first presidential impeachment in the history of United States, and also tried before the Senate.


Nearly 150 years has past, a good spell of time in length. And then, Barack Obama is elected President of United States, the first African-American chief executive. This is not a ridicule of Andrew Johnson’s presidency, but a long process of metabolism of the social ecosystem of America, from quantity change to quality transformation.


During the past 150 years, we can’t witness a slight alleviation of racism against color skin, especially the African American. Many have to struggle a grueling way to the laurel, such as former Colin Powell. Long darkness has clothed the minority groups and discrimination shoved wave after wave radical activities which in turn buried deeply and deeply the minority population in the social pyramid.


Although, Barack Obama does share something in common with Andrew Johnson, in that the two both arose from the plebs, the poorest and the lowest class of America, and both struggled the way through political ladder and finally finished up the highest lung, President of United States. From personal perspective, they shared the same set value of personal success, encompassing vision-empowering, target-oriented, hard-working-believer, and consistent self-education, tenacious goal pursuing, hard-nosed politician.


However, the two heroes had to be gladiators in the same arena with a gamut of 150 years gap, fiercely attacked each other’s phantom armored ego without no blood shed or body damage.


It’s been another “Trail of Tears” for blacks since the civil war. Though this time, the oppressor was not against Native Americans, but the African Americans who were introduced to the land of United States for the purpose of salve labor and thereupon were branded with inferior ethic group. And taken from the original lines of Declaration of Independence, the pen of Thomas Jefferson was not intended to entitle the non-white skin population to the same statutory right as of a human being.


All men are not created equal. You have to fight for your right and stick to the fight even at the expense of generation welfare. But you have to battle.


The election of Obama is not a Godspeed. It’s the culmination of the suffrage movement of ethnic groups. Especially, the African Americans.


“It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.”


219 years later since the inauguration of George Washington, the first President of United States, finally, this line came to its true meaning: ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUALL!


The final victory of Barack Obama versus Andrew Johnson presents to the world a virtue of the society of America, that this constitutional body is capable of self-regulation and self-correction.


143 years is not that long for the final emancipation, freedom of rights and souls. The final avenge for the once labeled democracy.

Yul Kwon: The Centurion of Asian American Rights Legion

In Life, Literature and Movies on November 5, 2008 at 11:20 pm

The Centurion for Asian American Community


It’s an unexpected encounter with Yul Kwon. After all, I made my decision to attend an workshop hosted by UIC Asian American Resource And Culture Center, which featured Yul Kwon as some kind of celebrity which I haven’t been aware of.


Actually, he’s a celebrity. Known mostly to Asian American Community and viewers of Survivor, the reality show, by NBC, Yul Kwon won the position as the only one Asian American winner in the history Survivor. And as already owned prestigious education, such as Yale Law School alumina, the prime purpose of his taking the show was to voice out the right of Asian Americans, and beat the stereotype of mainstream American towards Asian Americans.


For his a million dollar smile, he gains reputation for Asian American community. What he presents to the mainstream American society is not a geek or skinny wacky guy wearing thick glasses. Portrayed in his episode of Survivor, a masculine, sturdy, strong muscle-man and strategist, Yul overthrew the stereotype of Asian guys in the eyes of mainstream American media. Sexy, tenacious, self-defeating, he is a man willing to conquer his own fear to win the welfare of Asian American community at large.


What I’d like to leverage here, is not a rhetoric simile, the success of Obama and the way Yul Kwon leads. Since yesterday’s land sliding victory, tons of articles devoted to the analysis of the rationale of success got exuberated all over the internet. One article from Business Weekly, online version, attributed three-strategy-trinity as the fatal spear killed Achilles. Clear vision, clear execution and friends in higher places. Yul Kwon, undoubtedly, is following this route.


Only a short encounter as presenter between audience, sure I couldn’t got much more on the scene. However, thanks goodness to the web 2.0 technology, I was able to track his trace all over the internet, via Facebook, MySpce, YourTube, GoogleVedio and many multimedia on-line source Not only can I read about his achievements so far, but also I can watch his statement as Asian American petitioner and voice-man in many occasions.


What he mentioned in his grievance towards the unfair social standing of Asian Pacific Islander on the soil of United States, is the weakness of English capability. Most of the Asian residence, especially the older generation and those incumbent showman in media industry with Asian origin are no beneficiary of good English speaker. Or, actually, they are not or even totally incapable of English, writing and speaking. Who only can use some wacky comedian tricks to win social standing and rather destroy the dignity that should have gained.


That’s the reality. It seems Yul Kwon is the first Asian American descendant who are not afraid of stepping out of culture bondage and personal comfort zone and cry out publicly for the right and welfare of Asian population in U.S.


He is a sole fighter now, like his sole survivor brand inherited from his Survivor episode. And he’s still in his early fighter towards a social stereotype of magnitude, which requires more than his own strength to conquer and reverse.


However, he’s willing to fight at his own will. And he’s traveling around the country to reach out for those who are timid to express personal feelings and opinions according to Asian culture. He inflames those who are still bearing in heart the ember of American Dream. He is the firebrand. And he’s willing to sacrifice his life for the awakening of Asian population at large.


He is Yul Kwon. And he’s wearing his million dollar smile and dusting off the hurts and even traumas inflicted as being a minority and marginal group with an easy smile.


That’s a strong man and a dedicated sole. Let’s revere his aspiration. And roll up sleeves to join his legion!

Oops! Redbox messed up!

In Business, Life, Literature and Movies on November 5, 2008 at 6:00 pm

Oops!Redbox messed up.

Oops!Redbox messed up.

If any title of e-newsletter ever arrested my eyes in the first look, that’s this one: “Oops! Redbox messed up.” It appeared in my email box on Nov. 15, 2008.


At first, I figured it a spam or prank by some internet nerds, however, it turns out to be a bona fide e-mail correction message by Redbox.


If anyone of you lacks the basic knowledge of Redbox, let me give some clues. Redbox is a franchised DVD rental business, using a red machine kiosk delivering recent blockbuster DVD titles automatically. And the rental cost is cheap, only 1$ per title over night. And Redbox keeps a pace of weekly update to retain patrons.


But…..Alas, redbox got made something wrong. Instead of releasing the right titles via e-mail alert this Tuesday, this time, redbox just blundered. According to the rectifying e-newsletter, redbox just announced several titles in advance which are due next upcoming several weeks.


And then, Redbox faced the mistakes outright. Claiming the responsibility by joking off, self-mocking and correction at once are the tactics Redbox took to fend off the negative impact.


You know what? Even I, as an avid Redbox user, don’t have the chance checking out the mistake in the first place. But, reading the disclaimer, and the bona fide self-revelation, I have no reason to blame Redbox, and all I can give on the spur, is my light tolerance and allowance for a second chance.


Yes, that’s the essence of American culture. Everybody makes mistakes, even as a corporation, but it doesn’t matter as long as you are brave enough to admit it and make amend to your audience at once. You can see the example of Bush, Obama, and many political leaders, who committed alcoholic, even marijuana, during their puberty, but however made great efforts to regain self-pride, even leading to the White House.


United States is not only a dreamland, but also a tolerant land for second chance.